WHAT IS NACHMO?NACHMO (National Choreography Month) is an annual challenge that spurs dancers, choreographers, and movement enthusiasts to choreograph by providing a month-long deadline and a community of peers. Through events, choreographic prompts, workshops and performance, we facilitate ways for participants to meet, network and collaborate. Our mission is to build a strong, active community of dance makers. NACHMO is open to everyone, regardless of experience.
WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM NACHMO BOSTON?NACHMO was started in NYC and has its headquarters there. NACHMO leaders in participating cities communicate, but each city is responsible for its own NACHMO experience.
The Boston cohort is committed to offering you mentorship opportunities, connection to other participants, and both informal and formal showing opportunities. Boston choreographers choose one of three tracks: Live Performance, Dance on Film, or Creation Without Presentation. Each choreographer participates in one Group Mentorship workshop during the month of January. |